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0121 557 3352 info@kmbshipping.co.uk

Understanding the Foundation of Transport Regulations
On International Dangerous Goods Awareness Day, we are taking the opportunity to share a visual graphical guide that lays the groundwork for the International Road (ADR), Sea (IMDG), and Airfreight (ICAO-IATA) transport regulations. These regulations are essential for ensuring the safe and compliant transport of hazardous materials across different modes of transportation.

Key Compliance Categories in the UK
In the UK, businesses and industries typically fall into categories concerning compliance with dangerous goods regulations:

Fully Compliant: These businesses adhere strictly to all dangerous goods regulations.
Partially Compliant: These businesses meet some, but not all, regulatory requirements.
Non-Compliant: These businesses do not adhere to the regulations at all

The 9 Classes of Dangerous Goods
The regulations classify hazards into nine main classes or divisions, each represented by specific diamond-shaped transport labels or marks on packages. Understanding these classifications is crucial for identifying and mitigating risks. Please click the graphic to view at a larger scale.

KMB Shipping Dangerous Goods

The Importance of Accurate Classification
For effective transport compliance and to enable responders to react appropriately to incidents, accurate identification and classification of dangerous goods are crucial. This classification is done using the following four key elements, always in this mandatory sequence:

UN Number: A unique identifier for each hazardous material.
Proper Shipping Name: The official name used to describe the material.
Class(s)/Division(s): The classification(s) of the material based on the type of hazard it presents.
Packing Group: When applicable, one of the three groups indicating the degree of danger (primarily for chemicals).
By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure they are compliant with international transport regulations, thus minimising risks and enhancing safety for all involved.

KMB Shipping is a seasoned international freight forwarder with over 35 years experience, offering comprehensive services tailored to meet your business’s shipping and warehouse requirements.

Contact us today for more information or to receive a competitive international shipping quote.

0121 557 3352